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Kids in Preschool

Art Flo Relief

Are you struggling to get your child to express their emotions in a healthy way?  In our classes we work with writing, music, and art skills to help children self soothe.  We work individually and in groups to have a safe space where social interaction can be encouraged.  We are devoted to finding the solutions you’ve been looking for your child’s development.


Individual or Group Camps Available

How S.T.I.M. Flo Relief Classes Help

Image by Anna Kolosyuk


Whether it will be splattered, put in a Ziplock bag and patted, painted, or any other form the relief of pain and anger going onto a canvas is very satisfying. Children bottle up a lot and turn to bad behavior for attention. This will show them how to self soothe!

Sheet Music


Different children respond each in their own way. We will use different tones of music such as jazz and classical music to soothe their mind and create a calm and relaxed state of being. We will also show the difference between music frequencies and why certain music makes you feel the way it does.



Writing how they feel on the canvas, then covering it with a beautiful piece of art. We encourage honesty and to speak on the negative. Turning "faults" in their eyes to something positive. It is all about growth.

Consult With Our Team About How
WE Can Provide YOU Relief

Purchase Local Art As An Investment

Art Class
Image by Jené Stephaniuk

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